Digital Animation Films

As part of a programme of Demonstration Events & Activities curated & produced by Findhorn Bay Arts on behalf of the Discover Moray’s Great Places Project, 6 digital animation short films were developed by young people, each telling the story of Discover Moray’s Great Places Characters; The Wolf of Badenoch, Timmer Floater, Rioters, The Picts, The Real Macbeth and The Illicit Stiller.
The project worked with the Out of the Darkness Theatre Company and included participants from the Performance, Media, Technical, Multi Arts and Ensemble groups. Intensive filming sessions were run over five days using shadow puppetry, props, stop motion techniques and performance. Scripts were created using published information about each character and narration recordings were made in a sound studio. Two music workshop sessions 15 created atmospheric sound tracks with a focus on percussion and rhythm to accompany each animation. A further two sessions were used as editing days with the participant group having a chance to prepare their own versions of the films and experimenting with sound effects.
The first in the series of our Discover Moray's Great Places Heritage Animations features The Wolf of Badenoch.
Discover the method of floating timber down the River Spey and the story of Lobban an unfortunate Timmer Floater in the 1600s in our second Discover Moray's Great Places Heritage Animations.
O'er in Cullen, there's been a local injustice. The townsfolk amass, ne'er summon the fury o' a fisher lass! A riot ensues in our next Discover Moray's Great Places Heritage Animations, based on an extract from The People's Journal, Aberdeen, June 28 1890.
What do we know about the 'painted people'? Find out in our fourth Discover Moray's Great Places Animations about The Picts.
Macbeth, the man characterised in Shakespeare’s famous tragedy but also a real man who lived and ruled in Moray many years ago. Find out more in our Discover Moray's Great Places Animations about The Real Macbeth.
Slàinte Mhath to The Illicit Stiller, the last character depicted in our Discover Moray's Great Places Heritage Animation series.