Forres Conservation & Heritage Scheme: Public Event Feedback

THANK YOU to everyone who popped into the Falconer Museum yesterday!
Over the 4 hour event, around 200 people shared their thoughts on what a Forres “Heritage Quarter” could be. The majority of people came in the first 2 hours so it was very hectic and there are a few lessons learned!
The museum was buzzing, with so many important historic assets in and around the conservation area of Forres there are LOTS of options and opportunities to create amazing tools with the community..
We explored topics of:
· Enterprise: How could income be generated from the “heritage quarter”?
· Tourism: How could tourists and visitors be encouraged to the area? What could be offered?
· Community: How could the community be encouraged to get involved, grow skills and knowledge? How could the area be improved to encourage people to live here?
· Education & Learning: How could all age groups be encouraged to engage and get involved?
Thank you to everyone for popping in, giving their time and support, and for patiently waiting in the queues!
It was fantastic to see so many members of the public from residents of Forres, surrounding villages, neighbouring towns along with England and Germany, sharing ideas and starting conversations on what the Forres “Heritage Quarter” could be.
See some of our event photos below!
If you would like to give feedback on the event please respond here:
Next steps: We will be pulling all the ideas, suggestions and comments together as we prepare a Heritage Quarter Development Plan.
What is Heritage Quarter?
A “heritage quarter” focusses on the HISTORICAL UNIQUENESS of an area.
This usually centres activity on a cluster of buildings and aims to develop a unique SENSE of PLACE.
It can attract visitors to the area, making it easy to recognise, to learn about and engage with our heritage. Online promotion, trails, signs, easily accessible information for all ages are some of the tools that can be used.