Chris Walker


Chris Walker

Our involvement in the Discover Moray’s Great Places project will run from October 2018 until March 2019.

During this time we will engage with the community to open source ideas, explore and define the identity of the places.

We want communities to decide what is important to them in a pro-active and inclusive way.  We want to help them to confidently choose how to use heritage assets in new ways and identify new assets. 

The identified assets will be recorded and developed into themes in Interpretation, Action & Audience Development Plans for both the Coastal and Country areas of Moray.

The aims of the project include:

  • Identifying all Moray’s great places

  • Collecting together the great stories of those great places

  • Understanding the places and people who bring Moray’s story to life every day

  • Developing a unified toolkit of interconnected themes, topics and storylines that can become a useful resource for those involved in heritage and tourism in Moray.

The outline timetable is as follows:

  • October 2018 - Immersion Phase During this phase the team will largely be researching and mapping. If you want to get involved at this stage, please complete the form at the bottom of this post.

  • November 2018 - Spark During this phase we will be holding targeted activity sessions within Moray’s communities, and starting to develop a storytelling style. The end result will be a much expanded version of this website.

  • Dec 2018 - Jan 2019 - Development During this phase we will be inviting you to contribute anything you like via this website. That might take the form of:

    • local intel of great places

    • great local stories

    • stories of myths and legends

    • writing

    • poetry

    • artwork

    • photographs

    • videos

    • views

    • walks

    • journeys

    • experiences

  • February 2018 - March 2018 - Final Stages During the final stages we will work up the results, and visit local communities to test out the material. We will then finalise the material and report to Moray Council.

How to get involved - if you are any of the following, please complete our online form below today to make sure that we are aware of who you are, how you want to be involved, what you feel you can bring to the project and help steer our work so that you get something out of it that will be genuinely useful to you.

Completing the form will also add you to our mailing list, so that we can keep you informed of progress. We will also be blogging on this site, and we we will be able to keep you notified of new blog entries.

We would love to hear from everyone, particularly:

  • Owners, operators, managers of heritage sites or assets, including natural heritage.

  • Owners, operators, managers of cultural organisations in Moray.

  • Representatives of companies or businesses who have an interest in Moray’s heritage.

  • Members of the public with a special interest in sites, heritage, history or stories of Moray.

  • A professional in a related subject.

  • Writers

  • Poets

  • Photographers

  • Artists

  • Community group representatives

  • Special interest group representatives

  • Heritage archives

  • Press and Media representatives

  • Tour guides and those with an interface with tourists, for example taxi drivers.

  • If you don’t fit into one of those categories, then don’t worry, please complete the form anyway, we would love to hear from you.


Note : By clicking ‘submit’, you agree to be entered onto our mailing list. The mailing list may be transferred to Moray Council at the end of this project.