The Plan

Here you can download the plans for the Discover Moray’s Great Places project
A word from Jim Royan, Chair of Discover Moray’s Great Places,
Dear All,
Following months of focused and creative thinking, the award-winning project team, Bright White, has successfully teased out Moray’s rich heritage & culture and captured the distinct local character of the Coastal and Country areas in documents which are freely available for all to use.
The documents emphasise this is the first step on a journey towards attracting new audiences and maximising opportunities for heritage & culture based tourism in Moray. Rather than being presented as ‘consumer ready products’, they are being offered as tools to develop connections between existing sites, provide inspiration for new events & exhibitions or theatre productions and themed collaborative projects/business ventures etc.
Six headline characters have emerged ‘Out of the Shadows’ to take centre stage with bold and captivating imagery. Intriguing and interwoven into Moray’s ancestry, all have an authentic story to tell. A new heritage logo has been proposed and for each character there is narrative and visual identity starring our own Moray residents. Sub-themes, character trails/location maps and intersections between characters have been identified, presenting a more cohesive overview of Moray’s heritage and a supply of interpretive inspiration.
Bright White was astounded by Moray’s place of power and influence in early history, the drama and beauty of its landscape and the warmth of the welcome to visitors. We have something truly compelling to share and this piece of work will give us the clarity of vision and direction we need to make the most of what we have. Young people, businesses in the visitor economy/arts/heritage and the broader community have all embraced the project and helped to co-create the content of the Interpretation & Action Plan and very useful appendices. A sense of collaboration and community ownership has been fostered and it is vital that this continues to grow as we proceed.
The Action Plan has highlighted next steps and some aspects, including providing business support and training, for example to provide interactive guided tours, will be implemented as part of the Discover Moray’s Great Places project.
As we move into the next stages of the Great Places project delivery, the documents will be used as inspiration for creating demonstration projects and events, in addition to exploring income generation and developing new operating models that will help to create a sustainable future for the heritage & culture sector.
On behalf of the Discover Moray’s Great Places Partnership Group, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to the development of the first phase of the project and look forward to reporting on more successes as we move forward.Jim Royan
Appendix 2 - Creative (Bright White Ltd)
Contains the full texts, images and visualisations created for the project.
Appendix 3 - Community Activities (Icecream Architects)
This documents many of the community activities that took place to stir interest and gather co-creation co-curation input face to face.
Appendix 4 - Audience Development and Expanded Action Plan (Jura Consultants)
Sets out the strategic context for the development of the interpretive framework.
Appendix 5 - Charts and Maps (Bright White Ltd)
Indicates the locations and themes linked to each of the six characters.
Appendix 1 - SWOT
This is a list of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for Moray interpretation.