Gathering ideas and suggestions from the community by an online survey, community engagement and working with community groups including the Forres Green Spaces Group.
Although with this project won’t be able to respond to all concerns, these will be shared with relevant Moray Council departments to work together for a better Forres.
THANK YOU to everyone from the local community to community groups for your support on our Greening Community Study.
An online and paper survey was available to the local community from April – July 2024 where 44 responses were given. We created a greening community display at Forres House (local community centre and library) with help from Moray Council’s Community Support Unit Officer, Laura.
Our display included “Treesa” the tree where the community wrote their ideas and suggestions onto leaves and stuck onto this display. We left this display up for 2 weeks, promoting on partners social media, encouraging the local community to get involved.
Top themes from the communities ideas and suggestions from the display:
Community Food Growing
Education on Food Growing
More outdoors activities and opportunities for children and young people
Wildlife enhancements from boxes to wildflowers
Safer High Street: Less traffic, reduced speed
.See our survey results below: